A common class for cloth components.
BaseCloth is the base class for BoneCloth / BoneSpring / MeshCloth / MeshSpring.
public void ResetCloth()
public void ResetCloth(float resetStabilizationTime)
public void ResetCloth(ClothParams.TeleportMode teleportMode, float resetStabilizationTime = -1.0f)
Resets the cloth simulation particle position.
resetStabilizationTime |
Stabilization time (s) after reset. |
teleportMode |
[Reset] [Keep] |
public void SetTimeScale(float timeScale)
Set the time scale.
Slow playback is possible for each component individually.
timeScale | Time scale. Specify from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%). |
public float GetTimeScale()
Get the time scale.
public void AddForce(Vector3 force, PhysicsManagerTeamData.ForceMode mode)
Apply external force.
force | External force vector |
mode | Speed change mode. [VelocityAdd] Add to velocity (affected by mass) [VelocityChange] Change velocity (affected by mass) [VelocityAddWithoutMass] Add to velocity (ignoring mass) [VelocityChangeWithoutMass] Change velocity (ignoring mass) |
public float BlendWeight
Blending ratio with original posture.
(0.0 = 0%, 1.0 = 100%)
public void AddCollider(ColliderComponent collider)
Add Collider.
public void RemoveCollider(ColliderComponent collider)
Remove Collider.
public void SetUpdateMode(TeamUpdateMode updateMode)
Change the update mode.
Normal | Update based on the frame rate. (Initial setting) |
UnityPhysics | Update based on Unity’s physics. If the character moves within FixedUpdate, you can suppress the vibration by selecting this. |
public void SetCullingMode(TeamCullingMode cullingMode)
Change the culling mode.
Off | No culling is performed. The simulation will always run regardless of the drawing state. |
Reset | If it is off-screen, stop the simulation. When it appears again, it resets the simulation. |
Pause | If it is off-screen, it stops the simulation. When it reappears, it will restart the simulation from the stopped state. |
public void Radius_SetRadius(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the [Radius] parameter particle radius.
public void Mass_SetMass(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the particle weight in the [Mass] parameter.
public void Gravity_SetGravity(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the gravitational acceleration of the [Gravity] parameter.
public Vector3 Gravity_GravityDirection
Change the direction of gravity of the [Gravity] parameter.
Note that this specifies the ceiling direction in world space.
public void Drag_SetDrag(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the air resistance of the [Drag] parameter.
public bool DistanceDisable_Active
Changes the active state of the [Distance Disable] parameter.
public Transform DistanceDisable_ReferenceObject
Changes the distance measurement target of the [Distance Disable] parameter.
If you specify null, the current main camera will be the target.
public float DistanceDisable_Distance
Changes the distance at which the [Distance Disable] parameter is disabled.
public float DistanceDisable_FadeDistance
Changes the fade distance of the [Distance Disable] parameter.
The fade starts at DistanceDisable_Distance minus this distance.
public float ExternalForce_MassInfluence
Changes the influence of particle weight on the [External Force] parameter.
The value is between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).
public float ExternalForce_WindInfluence
Changes the wind influence rate of the [External Force] parameter.
The value is between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).
A value of 1.0 or more can be set.
public float ExternalForce_WindRandomScale
Changes the wind random rate of the [ExternalForce] parameter.
The value is between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%).
A value of 1.0 or more can be set.
public void WorldInfluence_SetMovementInfluence(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the movement influence rate of the [World Influence] parameter.
public void WorldInfluence_SetRotationInfluence(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the rotation influence rate of the [World Influence] parameter.
public bool WorldInfluence_ResetAfterTeleport
Change the automatic teleport enable setting for the [World Influence] parameter.
public float WorldInfluence_TeleportDistance
Change the automatic teleport of [World Influence] parameter and the moving distance of one frame to be detected.
public float WorldInfluence_TeleportRotation
Change the auto teleport of the [World Influence] parameter and the rotation angle (0 – 360) of one frame to be detected.
public void WorldInfluence_ReplaceInfluenceTarget(Transform target)
Replace InfluenceTarget.
public bool ColliderCollision_Active
Change the active state of the [Collider Collision] parameter.
public bool Penetration_Active
Changes the active state of the [Penetration] parameter.
public void Penetration_SetMovingRadius(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the MovingRadius of the Penetration parameter.
public void ClampPosition_SetPositionLength(float startVal, float endVal, float curveVal = 0)
Change the Length of the Clamp Position parameter.
public bool Spring_Active
Sets the active state of the Spring parameter.
public float Spring_Power
Change the Spring Power of the Spring parameter.