
Wind control

Controls the effect of wind on the cloth.
See Wind Settings for wind features and details.

Influence It is the influence rate of the whole wind.
It is possible to weaken the wind received by lowering it overall.
The value can also be set to 1.0 (100%) or higher.
Frequency period of shaking.
You can adjust the speed of the shaking waveform.
The value can also be set to 1.0 (100%) or higher.
Turbulence turbulence rate.
You can adjust the size of the shaking disturbance.
The value can also be set to 1.0 (100%) or higher.
Noise Blend Waveform blend ratio.
You can adjust the blend ratio of the Sin waveform and Noise waveform.
Synchronization sync rate.
You can adjust how in sync each baseline in the cloth moves.
If you set it to 1.0, it will be the same movement, and if you set it to 0.0, it will move separately.
Depth Weight depth effect.
By increasing the value, the vertices near the starting point are less affected by the wind.
This is useful for stabilizing skirts, bangs, etc.
Moving Wind Moving wind effect.
It is possible to automatically generate wind against the movement of the cloth.
The larger the value, the stronger the wind effect when moving.