Bone Spring


BoneSpring can swing the Transform alone with a spring.
Ideal for small swings of small objects and chest swings controlled by bones.
Please see “BoneSpring Start Guide” for the setting method.

Properties and parameters

Item Description
Root List Specify the transform to shake.
Update Mode

Specify the update timing of the simulation.
Update based on the frame rate. (Initial setting)

[Unity Physics]
Update based on Unity’s physics.
If the character moves within FixedUpdate, you can suppress the vibration by selecting this.

Blend Weight Blending ratio with original posture
Culling Culling System
Algorithm Calculation algorithm
Radius Particle radius for collision determination
Gravity Gravitational acceleration
External Force Influence of external force
Drag Air resistance
Max Velocity Maximum speed
World Influence Movement effect
Distance Disable Invalidation by distance
Clamp Position Movement restrictions
Spring Spring
Adjust Rotation Rotation control by movement